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Comparison of the characteristics and cost analysis of 3D dynamic positioning platform and static 3D positioning instrument
- 2020-04-01-

3D dynamic 4-wheel alignment (set), more emphasis on dynamic 4-wheel alignment testing and compensation adjustment!

Compared with the positioning parameters measured when the vehicle is static: the 3D positioning platform is the detection of the vehicle's driving state when the wheel is rotating, which truly reflects the positioning parameters of the vehicle's driving state, including factors such as low machining accuracy of parts, and reflects the effective toe and camber angles that ensure smooth driving after comprehensive balancing. Ordinary 3D aligners only measure the geometric values ​​of toe and camber, and cannot reflect the effective toe and camber angles that ensure smooth driving after comprehensive balancing of the vehicle. These key items are functions that ordinary aligners that measure positioning parameters when the vehicle is static do not have at all. As an automobile manufacturer, we pay more attention to wheel runout compensation tests, and ensure the impact and solutions on vehicle driving smoothness and operational stability!

In addition, the static 3D measurement and positioning parameters of the vehicle require manual installation of measurement chucks and reflectors on the four wheels!!! During the inspection, the vehicle must be manually pushed forward and backward 500px to increase the measurement points. Based on the tire diameter of 12500px, it is 12.5% ​​of the circumference of 1\/8 of 360 degrees, which is comparable to the dynamic positioning platform 360 degrees 100 The accuracy of percentage data is very different. In order to increase the speed of static 3D measurement, two more people are needed on each side to install reflective plates and front and rear carts. To achieve the speed of a fully automatic positioning platform, at least two vehicles are needed to measure the positioning parameters when they are static. Two vehicles cannot catch up with the speed of a fully automatic positioning platform, and the measurement values ​​are not repeatable. At least 5-6 more staff members are needed, and 10-12 more staff members are needed for two vehicles. The minimum number of people is 10. The average salary of these personnel plus 5 golds and transportation subsidies and lunch expenses are about 3,000 yuan\/month (5 golds are at least 500-600 yuan\/month). In the first year, 10 people are calculated, each person is 3,000 yuan\/month, 3,000 yuan x 12 months x 10 people=360,000. Considering the annual salary and 5 golds increase, an increase of 15 is required each year. The percentage is 414,000 in the second year, 476,100 in the third year, 547,500 in the fourth year, 724,100 in the fifth year, 832,700 in the sixth year, 957,600 in the seventh year, 1,101,300 in the eighth year, 1,266,400 in the ninth year, and 1,456,400 in the tenth year. In ten years, at least 8,136,100 yuan more labor costs will be paid. To put it another way, at least 4,068,100 yuan more labor costs will be paid for a locator in ten years, and it is still the lowest-grade locator with few functions, slow beats and poor performance. It is better to buy a fully automatic locator at less than one-tenth of the price, which not only saves money, but also uses a top-grade locator in one step! Ensure that the detection function is complete, efficient and accurate,