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What is the importance of dynamic 4 wheel alignment nowadays?
- 2020-01-08-

Many bosses are complaining that 4-wheel alignment is not profitable now. They invest a lot of money but have no work every day. Even if they do it, the effect is not good. Is 4-wheel alignment so useless?

Looking back at the past history, in the early 1990sDynamic 4 wheel alignmentWhen they first entered the Chinese market, there were only a few imported brands on the market. The domestic brands started to take shape at the end of 1999. Although there were not many stores doing positioning, at that time, it cost at least 800-1200 yuan to do a positioning for a Santana or Jetta, and people had to wait in line. The era of the real blowout of 4-wheel positioning stores was not until 2003. Although the product quality and service were uneven at that time, the owners of the stores made a lot of money.

In contrast, by the end of 2017, the number of vehicles in China's auto aftermarket had reached 217 million, and there were more than 460,000 auto service stores nationwide. After more than a decade of market development, there is a demand for at least 20,000 dynamic 4-wheel alignment devices nationwide each year. Most repair shops and tire shops have 4-wheel alignments, and there are more and more brands of alignment devices, with better and better products and more advanced functions. It seems that there is a flourishing market, but the uncertainty of product accuracy, homogeneous competition and non-standard service methods have led to 4-wheel alignment gradually becoming a free service.


There are also many customers and car owners who do not understand the importance of dynamic 4-wheel alignment! Part of the reason is that the repairmen are not professional enough, and on the other hand, the car owners have been fooled and have lost confidence. It was good before the repair, but it became worse after the repair. This is a common situation in the market!

In life, can a car not be aligned with 4 wheels? Impossible!!! Why? Because there are road killers everywhere nowadays. Of course, I am not referring to female drivers, but the driving habits and roads of car owners. In addition, the angle design of vehicles produced by some car manufacturers has certain deviations, which greatly affects the safety of vehicle driving.

When driving, vehicles often pass through potholes, manhole covers and speed bumps, which will change the positioning angle to some extent, especially when driving on curbs and sudden braking, in addition to affecting the suspension system, it will also accelerate the wear of the tires.

So drivers, please pay attention to the following 3 points!

①Measurement of tire pressure!

② Regularly check the 4-wheel alignment!

③Pay attention to driving habits!

However, 4-wheel alignment is not only for adjusting the angle, but also for restoring the angle to its original state. It can also ensure the safety of the vehicle by adjusting the chassis. Do you think it is important?