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How to ensure the normal operation of the through-type 4-wheel alignment instrument
- 2019-12-18-

The through-type 4-wheel alignment instrument is a very precise electronic measuring instrument. It is necessary to pay attention to its maintenance after use. In addition, in order to be able to show customers faster, more accurate and more powerful 4-wheel alignment effects, the actual operating staff must be familiar with the various application functions of the 4-wheel alignment device to ensure effective application. The following is an overview of the technical points for effective use:

Pay attention to the application of 4 wheel aligners

(1) Daily maintenance

The key to the maintenance of the through-type 4-wheel alignment instrument is to prevent the measuring position from dirt, sun, isolation and moisture; there is no need to apply liquid detergent on the surface of the controller or the hole shaft; in the application, it must be handled with care and handled with care, and the instrument must not be subjected to impact and cause strong vibration to prevent damage to the instrument and measurement accuracy.

(2) Stable switching power supply

The rated current of the APL4 wheel positioner switching power supply is 220V. If the external power supply is unstable, a power stabilizer should be used.

(3) Charge the controller battery properly

At the end of each 4-wheel alignment, the controller must be reliably hung on the server cabinet so that the charging base can charge the battery well with the controller and the battery charging can be terminated. If the through-type 4-wheel alignment instrument is not used frequently, the controller battery can be charged every few days (usually 2 to 3 days). Usually, battery charging can ensure the normal service life of the controller.
