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Non-contact 4-wheel alignment instrument purchase matters
- 2022-04-19-

  Non-contact 4-wheel alignerSince its creation, it has been active in our lives. Installing a 4-wheel alignment instrument will further improve the safety of the vehicle and reduce the wear of components such as tires and chassis to a certain extent. So, what should we pay attention to when choosing a 4-wheel alignment instrument?

Common problems when choosing a 4-wheel aligner

1. Pay attention to well-known brands

In the current external environment of diversified economic development, various types of stores are emerging like a tide, and the same is true for the field of 4-wheel alignment. There are various projects and products, and the advantages and disadvantages are also different. Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to well-known brands, and at least 4-wheel alignment projects with more than ten years in the professional field can be reassuring.

2. Pay attention to the accuracy of the main parameters of the 4 rounds of information obtained

The non-contact 4-wheel alignment device calibrates the rotation direction and route of the wheels based on the main parameters of the 4 wheels. This reduces tire wear and enhances driving safety. Therefore, when purchasing a 4-wheel alignment device, we need to clearly understand whether the accuracy of the information obtained by the 4-wheel alignment device we purchased meets our expectations, and then choose high-quality products.

3. Pay attention to the professional ability of the installer

Dynamic wheel alignment is a kind of professional vehicle auxiliary tool, not used to adjust the positioning angle. It is to provide the measured angle and positioning angle to professional technicians as a reference, and the professional technicians will compare the measured angle with the angle set by the original factory. Through comparison, if it exceeds the scope of the original design, some parts will be adjusted or replaced. Therefore, when choosing a wheel alignment project, it is important to remember that the quality of the wheel alignment is important, but the perspective of the professional technician is more important. Remember that the popular wheel alignment company can provide you with experienced and technically outstanding professional technicians.

Undoubtedly, choosing a good non-contact 4-wheel alignment product can provide a good experience. We usually choose a good brand, the parameters are accurate, and excellent technicians and professional equipment are our best choices. Therefore, when choosing a 4-wheel alignment, we should try to go to a professional store to buy it.
