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Explanation of the detection methods of vehicle electrical inspection
- 2022-11-11-

We are generally afraid that the vehicle will be damaged. However, after driving the car for a long time, it is inevitable that some minor problems will occur. For example, does everyone know the steps for checking the faults of the vehicle's electrical inspection?

Vehicles are a very necessary means of transportation in our lives. They are of great use to us. Therefore, we take great care of our vehicles and are afraid that they will be damaged. However, after driving a car for a long time, it is inevitable that some minor problems will occur. For example, do you know the way to detect faults in the whole vehicle electrical inspection?

1. Intuitive diagnosis method: When a car electrical appliance fails, there may be smoke, flames, abnormal noises, burning smell, heat and other abnormal conditions. This phenomenon can be noticed directly, and then the location of the fault can be determined.

2. Circuit breaking method: When a grounding (short circuit) fault occurs in an automobile electrical device, the circuit breaking method can be used to distinguish it. After disconnecting the circuit section suspected of having a grounding fault, observe whether the grounding fault still exists in the electrical device, so as to determine the causes of the grounding fault in each part of the circuit.

3. Short-circuit method: If there is a short-circuit fault in the automotive electrical appliances, the short-circuit method can also be used to distinguish, that is, use a screwdriver or a wire to short-circuit the circuit suspected of having a short-circuit fault, observe the changes in the instrument pointer or the working status of the electrical equipment, and then judge whether there is a short-circuit fault on the circuit board.

4. Test light method: The test light method is to use a car light bulb as a test light to check whether there is a short circuit fault on the circuit board.

5. Instrument method: Observe the current meter, water temperature meter, fuel meter, oil pressure meter and other indicators on the car dashboard to determine whether there is any fault on the circuit board.

6. Low-voltage grounding fire test method: remove a certain wire of the electrical equipment and touch it to the metal part (grounding) of the car to produce a flame to judge.

7. Vehicle electrical inspection high voltage fire test method: Conduct grounding test on the high voltage circuit, observe the spark discharge condition, and identify the working condition of the ignition system.
