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Ideal operating frequency of 3D laser 4 wheel alignment
- 2022-12-23-

How often should a 3D laser 4-wheel alignment be performed to be satisfactory?

After driving for a long time, do you feel that the car will lean to the left or right when driving in parallel lines? Will the 3D laser 4-wheel alignment instrument cause the tire to drift on one side? If so, your car may need to be aligned. Why does the above situation happen? Why do you need to align it?

In fact, it may be because the vehicle is often subjected to many bumpy roads, impacts from potholes and water hole covers, and damage to chassis parts during driving. Under long-term vibration and shaking, the mechanical parts of the suspension and tires set by the original factory will be modified. When the perspective is lost, the above situation will occur.

If the car's 3D laser wheel alignment fails but you don't do it again, the car will not only drift left and right, causing tire wear, but also drag due to the different directions of the tires, making the car run unsatisfactory and changing fuel consumption, increasing the risk of high-speed driving, increasing driver fatigue and chassis parts.

Damage. So when is it necessary to do tire alignment and how often should it be done?

What we can do here is to give you a suggestion that you should use a 3D laser 4-wheel alignment to do tire alignment once a year or once every 10,000 kilometers. If you use the car for a long time, such as taxis and trucks, it is best to do an alignment every six months or three months. In fact, if you think about it carefully, everyone's driving habits, time and mileage are different, and the road environment they drive on will also be different. Therefore, if the following situations occur, it means that you need to do an alignment for your car.
