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Don't underestimate high-speed ABS brakes
- 2022-02-11-

Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards, the popularity of cars is also increasing. After all, cars are a kind of transportation tool. In order to ensure good driving safety, you can better experience the joy of driving. The braking performance of the car is one of the main safety factors of the car. But many very serious accidents are caused by factors such as the car's braking deceleration is too long or the brake system is bent. At present, ABS anti-lock braking system is available on many cars, but do you know the necessity of ABS? Don't neglect it, it can save lives in a critical moment!

1. The principle of the fast ABS brake system test bench. When it comes to ABS, many people may not understand its meaning. Its full name is anti-lock braking system, and ABS is its English abbreviation. The ABS anti-lock braking system can automatically adjust the braking force of the wheels in the braking process to prevent the wheels from locking. It can achieve the braking effect. The braking characteristics of the car can actually be viewed from three levels: one is the reduction of braking deceleration and braking speed; the second is the heat resistance effect and water braking effect in car braking; the third is the stability of the car's braking position, whether it is easy to skid or even a large rollover. For these problems, ABS adjusts the pressure on the brake pipe on the wheel brake pump to prevent the wheels from locking during emergency stops, and can maintain the position of the car even in emergency stops.

2. Is there a need for ABS? ABS anti-lock braking system can effectively improve the braking efficiency of the car and increase the safety factor of the car's braking. If the car does not have ABS, the safety factor of the braking system will be greatly reduced. Because when the car is driving, there will be friction between the tires and the ground, which is usually called ground adhesion. When the car is running, it is inevitable to encounter an emergency, and most people can choose emergency parking. But if there is no ABS braking system, the braking force will exceed the adhesion of the ground, causing the car's brake wheels to lock and slide sideways. Cars without anti-lock braking systems are prone to brake locking, avoiding obstacles, pedestrians and turns, as well as steering conditions such as tail swing and even turning. However, under harsh ground conditions such as muddy or icy ground, cars without ABS are more likely to be locked by the brake system, resulting in sideways skidding, driving trajectory deviation, and vehicle position loss. Steering conditions may occur in an instant. So don't be careless, ABS can save people at a critical moment!

3. Abs also have limitations.

Although the car equipped with ABS greatly improves the safety of the braking system, it is difficult to provide short braking deceleration in some special circumstances. Facing some flat and dry ground and loose gravel ground, soft dirt road or deep snow ground, remind everyone to pay attention to safety when driving at low speed. ABS technology can only control the slip rate within a certain range. But it can provide an effective steering control ability.
