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What are the precise measurement techniques for the toe value of the car's 4-wheel aligner?
- 2021-08-10-

I hope everyone has a certain understanding of the car 4-wheel alignment instrument. How much do you know about the toe measurement method?

① Adjust the length of the model so that the distance inside the model is slightly larger than the wheelbase of the vehicle being measured, so that the laser pointer is roughly projected on the center line of the model, such as "20". The two columns must be adjusted to the same length, especially the distance between the markings must be the same, otherwise it will directly affect the accurate measurement results.

② Place the adjusted rulers parallel to each other on the two sides of the wheel to be measured, and measure the specific wheelbase within the specified wheelbase range (such as the edge), that is, the distance between each rod and the wheel is 7 and a half times the specific wheelbase. Note: When one rod interferes with the wheel, the distance between the two rods can be kept unchanged, and the two rods can be moved parallel to each other to avoid interference and keep the measured value unchanged.

③ Put the laser data signal on one side of the upper bar into the mark, so that its pointer points to an integer value, such as "20", and then the laser display information is in the mark, and the standard test is carried out. After moving the pointer, use the same mark to point to the mark (20), and the other side of the laser points to the front of the mark, and point to the mark according to the mark. If the front bar index value is 23 and the rear bar index value is 26, then the front bar index value is 26-23=3 mm; if the front bar index value is 26, the rear bar index value is 23-26=-3 mm (that is, negative front bar).