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The power of 3D laser 4 wheel alignment
- 2019-09-11-


1) 3D laser 4 wheel alignment ensures the stability of straight driving. After the driver's hands leave the horizontal steering wheel, the car can drive directly forward. Go straight through potholes, potholes and arches. After loading, the wheels can be perpendicular to the road surface, thus controlling the shimmy of the steering wheel. There is no steering drift at high speed.
(2) The 3D laser 4-wheel alignment instrument can ensure that the steering wheel automatically returns to the right after the external force causes the steering wheel to deflect or the driver turns.
(3) Make the turn signal brighter.
(4) 3D laser 4-wheel alignment reduces the wear of the steering wheel and steering mechanism, and maximizes the service life of the tire.

The above is the power of 3D laser 4 wheel alignment, I hope it will be helpful to you.