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Introduction to some misunderstandings in 4-wheel alignment
- 2021-07-27-

Misconception 1: I think that doing a 4-wheel alignment is just to adjust the front wheel toe

To put it simply, "4-wheel alignment" requires taking into account the alignment status of all 4 wheels of the vehicle. Toe-in is an angle definition, technically called toe angle. In the past, when the repairman in the mechanic workshop did not have technical data and wheel alignment equipment, he could only use a ruler to measure the front and rear end deviations of the diameters of the two front wheels based on experience. Over time, many people are used to regarding "toe-in" as a length definition.

In fact, the front wheels not only have toe angles, but also camber angles, caster angles, and kingpin inclination angles; the rear wheels also have toe angles, camber angles, thrust angles and other important positioning angles. When doing 4-wheel alignment, the positioning angle of the rear wheels is particularly important. The idea that "doing 4-wheel alignment is to adjust the toe of the front wheels" is one-sided and even incorrect.

Myth 2: Go where the fee is the lowest to get your 4-wheel alignment done

Since the beginning of the 21st century, along with the rapid increase in the number of motor vehicles in China, many domestic and foreign 4-wheel alignment manufacturers have been vying to occupy the market. Aligners of various forms and varying quality have sprung up in the market. This unprecedented industry competition has greatly reduced the profit margins of manufacturers and dealers. Alignment manufacturers without patents and technological content have been competing to lower their prices. The relative popularity of alignment instruments has intensified the competition among maintenance companies, and many maintenance companies are offering lower prices to users.

The low fees are not because the maintenance companies have improved their production efficiency, but more because the technology content and measurement accuracy of the equipment are not high. Some maintenance companies can only make a small difference when positioning in order to survive, so the problem of accurate vehicle positioning cannot be fundamentally solved.

Myth 3: Practitioners lack necessary knowledge

Many practitioners of 4-wheel alignment and maintenance companies rarely receive professional skills and technical training, and most of them remain in a state of self-study while working.

Myth 4: Maintenance personnel skip important operations and deceive customers

Most customers have little knowledge of 4-wheel alignment, and it is difficult to find problems when doing wheel alignment for their cars, and it is even more difficult to put forward their own opinions. Some maintenance personnel bypass important alignment operation procedures to reduce workload when doing 4-wheel alignment, making the alignment test results very different from the actual situation. In addition, some adjustment personnel have no sense of responsibility and do not conduct pre-alignment inspections before alignment. They cannot even find or inform customers in time when the rubber sleeves of the half-axle and the lower arm hinge joint are cracked, causing greater losses to customers in the future, and repeated alignment and repeated charges.