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Analysis of relevant matters of 3D laser 4-wheel alignment
- 2021-07-14-

The so-called 3D laser 4-wheel alignment instrument refers to the use of the average pushing direction of the rear wheels as the accurate positioning standard to detect and calibrate the positioning angles of the 4 wheels; so that the chassis components and tires can maintain a proper geometric relationship when the car is driving, so that the driver can drive his car correctly and comfortably, and extend the service life of tires and chassis related components.

When the car leaves the factory, the suspension system's positioning angles (there are 7 basic positioning angles) are all pre-set according to the design requirements. These positioning angles are used to ensure the comfort and safety of the car. However, after the car is sold and driven for a while, these positioning angles will change due to traffic accidents, violent shaking caused by potholes (especially sudden encounter with uneven roads when driving at high speeds), wear of chassis parts, replacement of chassis parts, replacement of tires, etc. If the positioning angle changes due to any of these reasons, it may cause symptoms such as abnormal tire wear, car deviation, reduced safety, increased fuel consumption, accelerated wear of parts, heavy steering wheel, car floating, etc. Some symptoms make the car very dangerous when driving at high speeds.


The purpose of 4-wheel alignment maintenance service is to use the alignment angle measurement to detect the above-mentioned causes of vehicle discomfort and treat them.

Generally, a new car should have its four wheels aligned after three months of driving. After that, every 10,000 kilometers, the front and rear tires should be rotated, the dynamic balance of the car or the shock absorber should be checked for oil leakage, and the four wheels should be aligned in time after a collision.

Correct and precise wheel positioning can ensure flexible steering, comfortable riding, straight driving, increase tire life, reduce vibration caused by the road surface, etc.