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The core of ADAS advanced driver assistance calibration equipment is the camera
- 2019-06-20-

Cameras and visual sensor algorithms are the core of ADAS advanced driver assistance calibration equipment, and there is a big difference between front-end and rear-end

The camera isADAS advanced driver assistance calibration equipmentCompared with millimeter-wave radar and lidar, the biggest advantage of core sensors is recognition (is the object a car or a person, what color is the sign). The automotive industry is price-sensitive, and the cost of camera hardware is relatively low. Due to the rapid development of computer vision in recent years, the number of companies entering the ADAS segment from the perspective of cameras is also very considerable.

In the ADAS vision supply chain system, vision solution providers master the core vision sensor algorithms and provide downstream customers with a complete solution including vehicle camera modules, chips and software algorithms. In the pre-installation model, vision solution providers play the role of Tier 2 suppliers and work with Tier 1 to define products for OEMs. In the after-installation model, in addition to providing a complete set of equipment, there is also a model of selling algorithms.

Since the threshold for product certification in the aftermarket is relatively low, and since aftermarket ADAS is moderately priced, highly compatible, and has low installation costs, many companies adopted aftermarket ADAS products in the early stages of the ADAS market. However, most aftermarket ADAS use cameras as the main carrier, and use external devices to achieve the functions of warning, monitoring, and reminders. Car manufacturers do not open the bus protocol in the car to these manufacturers, making it impossible for them to obtain higher permissions, interact deeply with the vehicle, or even interfere with the driving mechanism. Therefore, under the demand for deep interactive experience, pre-installed ADAS was born. In high-end vehicles and commercial markets, mature ADAS systems require car companies and ADAS manufacturers to invest a lot of R&D efforts, and only after calibration and calibration can they obtain higher accuracy. Pre-installed products do have more advantages in precision, accuracy, and interactivity.