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3D laser 4 wheel alignment manufacturer teaches you how to do 4 wheel alignment
- 2019-04-28-

3D laser 4 wheel alignment manufacturer teaches you how to do 4 wheel alignment

1. When using the instrument to do 4-wheel alignment, make sure that the 4-wheel alignment instrument of the repair shop is advanced and qualified.

2. Confirm whether the vehicle data used by the maintenance personnel for your vehicle is correct.

As cars are updated day by day, data are also updated, but the upgrade of positioning equipment often cannot keep up with the times. Some new cars can only be positioned based on some old cars. It is best to bring the car manual when positioning, because it contains the accurate data of your car.

3. After the car positioning is completed, check the printed data.

Check whether the camber angle of the front wheels is within the standard range, and the left and right should not differ too much, because this will cause your car to deviate. The caster angle is only about 8 degrees for some high-end cars, because they have good power steering systems. Some high-end cars now have adjustable toe values ​​for the rear wheels. If it differs too much from the standard value, it will also cause your car to deviate.

4. Cars that are not standard chassis, such as some SUVs, pickups, minivans, etc., are equipped with torsion bar springs. After driving for a long time, the height of the left and right vehicles will be inconsistent. At this time, the torsion bar needs to be adjusted to the standard value.

5. It is important to note that you should not adjust the height of the car to a value different from the factory standard. If one side is lower, the car will run off the track; if the overall height is too low, the shock absorption effect will be lost; if the height is too high, the car will feel like it is floating. It is important to make sure that the front is higher and the back is lower.