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What problems usually occur during the application of 4 wheel alignment instruments?
- 2021-04-01-

It is normal for a car to deviate from the direction when driving. Generally, the car repair shop can solve the problem of wheel alignment deviation. However, sometimes when "wheel deviation" occurs, even wheel alignment is a headache. No matter how many times you do the alignment, there is no obvious effect. At this time, we need to find out the real reason and make the necessary symptomatic treatment, so as to completely solve the common fault of wheel deviation.

① The tire treads on both sides are different or the treads are different heights.

It is best to use the same type of tires for the entire vehicle, at least the front and rear axle tires are the same, the tread depth must be the same, and remember to replace them when the wear limit is exceeded.

②The tire pressure standards on both sides are different

Different tire pressure standards will cause the tires to become different in size, and the direction will definitely deviate when flipped.

③The front shock absorber spring deformation cache on both sides is inconsistent

The quality of the shock absorber spring can be judged by pressing it lightly or comparing it after disassembly.

④Front shock absorber is ineffective

After the front shock absorber fails, the two suspensions are one high and one low during driving, and the support is uneven, causing the direction to deviate. You can use a special shock absorber tester to measure the absorbency of the shock absorber and judge the quality of the shock absorber. If there is no reason to disassemble it, use the stretching method to judge.

⑤ The chassis components of the car are too damaged and there are abnormal gaps

Steering tie rod ball head, support arm buffer block, stabilizer bar buffer block, etc. are common places where the gap is easy to be too large, so the car should be lifted carefully.

⑥The brake system of one wheel did not return to its original position properly and the separation was not complete

That is to say, if one wheel is always partially braked, the car will naturally deviate when driving. When we check, we feel the temperature of one wheel. If one wheel is much higher than the other wheels, it means that the brake return of the tire is not good.