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How to tell if a dynamic 4 wheel alignment has Bluetooth technology
- 2021-02-23-

How to tell if a dynamic 4 wheel aligner actually has Bluetooth technology:

1. Infrared induction transmission

① Many manufacturers put 2 or 4 dark red boxes similar to eyes on the server cabinet of the locator. These are infrared sensing receiving devices. Therefore, when doing accurate positioning, people cannot stand in the eyes for fear of being blocked.

②This type of communication is easily affected by strong light. The port number of the received data is small, so the data response is slow when adjusting the car. It is a typical Japanese technology.

2. High frequency transmission

①This is also a method of wireless data transmission. The basic principle is similar to the frequency band of a recorder. Its reception is not blocked by space and walls, but the influence of mobile phones and walkie-talkies is very significant. When their frequency bands are close, the data displayed by the dynamic wheel alignment instrument is jumping around, affecting the reliability and accuracy of the measurement.

② It is also affected by noise. When a large diesel vehicle is running at the main entrance, the data on the locator screen will immediately vibrate continuously.


3. Bluetooth sharing

① This technology is Nokia. After the connection between the control panel and the positioning machine is established, it is not affected by strong light, noise, mobile signals, and intercom frequencies. It is a stable and high-speed transmission technology.

② We can search the Bluetooth module in the control panel based on the mobile phone for Bluetooth positioning. If it cannot be found, it means the Bluetooth of the mobile phone is fake.

4. Industrial production hides Bluetooth sharing

①This technology is a military hidden Bluetooth technology based on Bluetooth sharing technology. ZigBee is a developed long-distance, low-speed, low-power Wi-Fi network technology. It is a technical proposal between close wireless tag technology and mobile Bluetooth.

② ZigBee, previously known as "PomeRFLite" or "FireFly" wireless communication technology, is mainly used for short-range wireless connections. It has its own wireless communication standards and coordinates thousands of tiny control panels to maintain communication.

③These panels only require very low power and transmit data from one panel to another via electromagnetic waves in a relay manner, so their communication efficiency is very high.